Meet Galen Rose

I welcome author Galen Rose to my blog. Galen is a fellow Crimsonista, and she
writes Contemporary Romance.  Welcome,
Galen.  Tell us a little bit about

My name is Galen Rose.
That is my pen name. It encompasses my real name and the name of a Dungeons and Dragons character I have.
Yes I am a bit of a geek, I still game several times a year with a terrific and
hilarious group of friends. I am also an avid cook, baker, and gardener. But
writing is my passion and a much needed outlet for my very overactive
all those various interests, how did you celebrate the publication of your
first book? (please keep this rated PG LOL)
It took a few months to
get organized but I had a book launch party at an Irish Pub in San Francisco,
very fitting given the setting for, A
Place to Rest My Heart
. I am blessed with many friends who are great singers
and musicians and we had an Irish party called a Ceilidh. Lots of singing,
dancing and merriment.
fun—that sings to my Irish heart. The Irish are great story tellers; how would
you describe your writing process? Do you outline? Let the muse lead you? Or
something else?
Most of the time, I
wing it. An idea will pop into my head and I just sit and write. But if for
some reason I cannot write for awhile, I’ll make quick outline notes.
has writing this book changed you?
The feeling of
accomplishment is incredible but getting published made all the work worth it.
It has made me believe in myself more than ever. I did it once. I can do it
there a scene that was more difficult than others? One that you pondered
whether or not to include it?
It was actually the
opening scene that I cut on my own. It was a very dark time in the life of the
heroine, and I was afraid it was too ultimately too dark and desperate to make
the character likable.
great that you had the insight to cut the scene on your own. I’m impressed
because I know how hard it is to cut something at an editor’s suggestion.  When you get the edits back from your editor,
how do you work through that process?
First I get grumpy
because I immediately disagree with the editor, then I walk away from it for a
day or two. Then reread the editor’s notes and not take it all so personally,
and work through it. It’s a weird process I know, but it works.
kind of response do you get when you tell people you are an author?
Most people are excited
and interested. If it is a guy, then they are immediately not interested when I
mention it is a romance. I have only had a couple of people ask for advice on
getting published and then tell me about their book or book idea.
there an aspect of writing that you favor over others, e.g. dialogue,
exposition, description of a scene, setting, or character, etc.? Is there one
that is more difficult for you?
Having done sword and
fight choreography for Renaissance faires in the past, I enjoy writing fight
scenes. I have asked friends to help me map the scene out to be sure it works.
The most difficult scenes to write are sex scenes. I keep coming off too
clinical or too goofy. It takes a while.
are you currently working on?
I’m currently working
on two books, one set in my favorite place in the world, Maui, and the other
set between San Francisco and Washington state. Both are separate contemporary
books, one with a police detective and the other with an FBI agent.
do you balance writing, marketing, promoting, bookkeeping, family and work?
It’s more like a
juggling act, than a balancing act. As you can tell by how long it took me to
get this interview done, I’m often juggling too many things at once. I am
trying to learn how to put a ball down, and try to find a balance between all
of the things that life throws at me. It certainly isn’t easy.
thanks for being a guest on my blog today, Galen.  I wish you all the best with your writing.

can contact Galen at:

can buy Galen’s book at:

8 thoughts on “Meet Galen Rose

  1. Deborah O'Neill Cordes says:

    Another lass with Irish sass here! Thanks for a wonderful interview, ladies. Galen, it was very nice to get to know more about you. I also love Hawaii (Kauai) and I'm thinking of writing a novel set there. It is THE place for romance.
    I wish you much success with your novels and WIPs.

  2. Nancy Weeks says:

    Good morning, Galen and Elizabeth or should I say, Top 'O the Morning to You 🙂

    Great interview, Galen. I love that you had your release party in an Irish Pub.How fun that must have been… and in San Francisco! That's one of my favorite places. I can't wait to read A Place to Rest My Heart. Great title by the way. It sounds like a book right up my alley.

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