Elf Ahearn’s “Regency Romance with a Gothic Twist”

Today I welcome Elf Ahearn to my blog. Elf’s novel A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing is one of
the 10 historical romance novels included in the Time After Time bundle from Crimson Romance.

1. Of all
the historical time periods that a writer could choose from, you’ve picked the
Regency era for your series. Could you talk about why that specific time
appealed to you?

My sister is totally into Regency
romances, she won’t read anything else, so to guarantee at least one sale…
well, I had no choice (Not true – she’d read any dribble I scratched on paper).
 The real story is that the Regency chose
me. I wanted to write something with sex and adventure – women risking
everything – their reputations, their lives, their fortunes, for love. It’s
very freeing that Ellie Albright, the heroine in A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing, can’t clap a cell phone to her ear and
call the police when she’s in trouble; Hugh Davenport, my hero, can’t access a
therapist to work out his hostility towards his mother, and my villain can’t be
found via his credit card purchases. Working in the past is awesome.

What books have influenced you as a writer?
One of the first
Regency romances I ever read was by Sabrina Jefferies, whose love scenes are scorching hot. I thought, heavens to
Betsy, I could never be so graphic! My hand may have even clutched my heart, I
can’t remember. Once the story got underway, however, my inner poet seized on
the sex. Beyond the throbbing members and heaving bosoms, I thought, ‘What does
a man’s leg look like in moonlight – that slash of shadow under a taught thigh
muscle… and what does the curve of a woman’s hip feel like to a man when he
first runs his hand over it – the skin, smooth and soft, the bone fitting
perfectly into the cup of his hand… Well, you get the picture.

3. You’ve
said that you think a good tag line for your books is “Regency romance
with a gothic twist.” Could you talk about that?
“Regency romance with a Gothic
twist,” is my warning label. Not all Regency romances, but most Regency
romances, are what I think of as parlor dramas. The hero and heroine have a
personal battle that takes place, typically, in the confines of a magnificent
English estate. In A Rogue in Sheep’s
, there’s a struggle between the hero and heroine, but also an
exterior conflict where the stakes are life or death. Pretty dark for a novel
taking place in 1816. I didn’t want readers taken by surprise by the book’s
intensity. And the sequel, Lord Monroe’s
Dark Tower
, is even more “Gothic.”
4. A horse plays
a prominent role in Rogue. What’s the appeal for you? 
Growing up, The Black Stallion by Walter Farley, one of the greatest young
adult novels of all time, was my bible. I was mad for horses, and when I became
an adult, I vowed I would seize my chance to write a horse race and give it the
all the Walter Farley magic I could muster. Hopefully, the clash of
thoroughbreds in Rogue is more
exciting than a worm versus a slug. Readers, let me know.

5. In
your past you were very active in the theater. Has your theater background
helped with your career as a writer?

Yes, absolutely. I have a highly dramatic
sensibility and that all stems from my days trodding the boards. It has nothing
to do with my personality, which is exceedingly calm, cool and collected (I
lie). But truly, theatre gave me a good feeling for dialog and dramatic
structure that has served me well in writing fiction.
Aspiring writers! become an actor first, starve for
several years, forage for food, then take up fiction, then starve for several

6. Are you blogging? Where
can we find you?

 A few years ago
I started a blog exclusively about my cat, Sufie. It became such a pain,
though, chasing her around every day with the camera. She wouldn’t stay in the
poses, she resented the intrusions on her privacy, the interviews weren’t going
well. I gave up.

Author Bio:
Elf Ahearn is a professional
writer with nearly two decades of experience. Her novel, A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing has been included in a 10 book boxed
set of historical romances available at Crimsonromance.com. She lives in
New York with her wonderful husband and Sufie, her pesky (yet adorable) cat.
More about Elf can be found on her Web site: www.elfahearn.com
Buy Elf Ahearn’s books at:

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