5 Things I Researched This Week

I fondly recall my naïve vision of a writer’s life before I was a writer. In that scenario, I’d sit by an open window with a summer breeze billowing the curtains. I would sip green tea while amazing stories magically flowed from my fingertips to my keyboard.

My prolific gift would generate five to ten novels a year, each topping the New York Times bestseller list. Ah, fantasy.

Often, writing is drilling down, grueling work. Often it requires me to stop the flow of magical stories to do a little research so my magical stories are credible.

Here are five things I researched this week while working on my current mystery:

Does wisteria smell?

Yes, either musky or sweet

Two of my characters are walking into a scene that will become romantic. I wanted to set the scene with imagery that would foreshadow this intimate conversation.

“Musky-scented wisteria dripping with purple blossoms beckoned them to stroll along a path that led toward the lake.”


What’s the best time to fish for rainbow trout?

Early morning, late evening

One of my characters is suspected of a crime. A suspicious family saw him drive by their home several times the day of said crime.

“Mr. K forgot his tackle box, and drove back to his cottage to retrieve it. That means he drove by the rental cottage this family was staying in three times between seven and seven thirty that evening.”


When were Ziploc bags invented?


Jesse receives a threatening note, so Officer Marty D’Amato wants it preserved for fingerprints. But how? It’s 1968—were zippered plastic bags around back then? Yes, that’s when they were invented.

“Since you’ve already touched it, why don’t you refold it and put it in the envelope? Then put it in one of those fancy new plastic bags so I can take it to the station and have it checked for fingerprints.”



Did I spell “wrought iron” correctly?

 Of course, you did. You rock! 

Have you ever repeated a word a few times and suddenly it doesn’t make sense anymore? That happened when I was describing a wrought iron bench.

In this scene two characters have a conversation that is particularly difficult for one of them. I wanted the bench to be hard and uncomfortable. Maybe with some scrolls that dig into her back…ooooh . . . good idea . . . I have to go back and add that. Be right back …  

“Reaching the ridge above Seneca Lake, they sat on a wrought iron bench. The leaf-like scrollwork on the back of the bench jabbed into her back. She shifted, and the bronze leaf now poked into her left shoulder blade.”



Do Hobart and William Smith Colleges have graduate courses?


One character who had just graduated from college was staying in Seneca Corners for the summer to attend Hobart and William Smith College. Since she’d graduated, she’d need a graduate level course.

“Besides the summer gig, I’m taking a graduate class at Hobart. I want to punch up my resume and get the hell out of here.”


It’s the Little Things

As Stephen Sondheim said, “It’s the little things. . .” Even though I write fiction, and even though my mysteries are set in 1968-69 (which I remember) I want the story to be accurate. I owe it to my readers.

When I wrote The Cavanaugh House, Jesse wanted to quote the Virginia Slims slogan, “You’ve come a long way, baby,” but the scene took place in June 1968. In my research, I discovered the slogan came out in August of 1968, so I didn’t use it in that scene. Would a reader have known? Probably not, unless they worked for Virginia Slims. But I would have known. Fortunately, Jesse could say it later in the book—in August.

Research is fun, but it can be a rabbit-hole. I can get lost for hours because one fascinating fact leads to another. I must rein myself in, because, after all, there’s another book to be written.

What’s in your notebook?

6 thoughts on “5 Things I Researched This Week

  1. Deb L. says:

    Love your attention to detail! I will do the same thing, but then get sidetracked and get any writing done. Too easy to do.

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Yes, Deb, getting sidetracked is a problem for me, too. I was researching the correct spelling of Scylla and Charybdis, and the next thing I knew I was reading Greek myths. Who could resist??

  2. Lucy Kubash says:

    It’s true you just never know what road you will end up going down in the name of research. One day, I found myself having to look up pregnancy tests, to see how accurate they are now and how they work (since I haven’t used one in well over thirty years). I was amazed to find out how early they can tell you you’re pregnant and some even estimate how far along. Worked into my story very well!

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      That’s amazing, Lucy. Back in the day, we had to count backward and guess well LOL. Did ads for pregnancy tests start showing up on your Facebook feed? 😉

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