Author’s note: I apologize to those of you who subscribe to my Mystery Lovers’ Newsletter. This is a repeat because I’m so darned excited about these things
Whether I’m writing a book or reading a book, I’m in my happy place.
Just a heads-up for my loyal followers. The Last Crossing is on sale this week until June 15 at midnight for only 99 cents. If you haven’t read this third book in the Finger Lakes Mysteries, snap up a copy now, not just for the mystery, but what happens with Marty and Maggie??? Readers want to know! Snap up your copy now.

I’ve just discovered an author that many of you might already know – Louise Penny. Another reason I love Canada. (See my post “Why I Love Canada.“)
Right now I’m listening/reading her debut novel Still Life, the first in the Chief Inspector Gamache series. I bought the audiobook, but also checked it out of my library so I could read all the names and get them straight. A plus for the audiobook – the narrator’s beautiful accent. You know I’m a sucker for that.
I think about this book all the time when I’m not reading it. Like a siren, Still Life calls to me from the other room, “Come here and sit with me. The dishes can wait.” If you haven’t read Louise Penny, you’re in for a treat. Find her here

#yourbooks #giveaway
So what good mysteries have you read lately? I would love to know. Tell me in a comment on my Facebook page so I know what to read after I finish with Chief Inspector Gamache. I’ll pick a random winner from the comments to send a copy of Still Life. Is there a series you love? An author you’ll buy every book from? Don’t keep it a mystery.