My Latest Adventure: An Autoimmune Disorder

This was a really weird sensation…


As I was sitting in the balmy breezes on my deck, I felt a weird sensation, like someone slipped silk across the skin on my legs. When I leaned over and brushed off what I thought might have been bugs, or worse yet SPIDERS, I discovered the source. The breeze was tickling my hairy legs. Very weird indeed! I laughed out loud.

Recently, I was diagnosed with IgA vasculitis which shows up as petechiae, or small red dots on my legs. IgA vasculitis is an autoimmune disorder and means the capillaries in my legs are bleeding. Because of these bumpy red spots, I’m not supposed to shave my legs or use hair removal cream. My doctor says it will go away on its own in a few weeks…or months. I hope so because I can’t bear to wear long pants all summer.

Have any of you had autoimmune disorders that led to surprising experiences?


exhausted woman napping
How I spent my days

One side effect of vasculitis is fatigue. I walk like a snail. Or a sloth. At first, I slept day and night. No kidding! Rich would wake me up to eat and I’d go directly back to bed. (Yes, I know how lucky I am). Then I would sleep a bit in the morning, then a couple hours in the afternoon But the fatigue was so intense, I thought things like, “The spoon I need is on the counter. Just get up and get it. Just get up and get it. Maybe my fork will work with this soup.” I. Can’t. Even.

Now I’m down to just an afternoon nap.


My email is overflowing with messages because, well, fatigue. And a bit of brain fog. But I will soldier on to triage and answer what’s important, flag what can wait a bit, and, hopefully, trash the bulk of it.


I’ve been trying to work on my fourth mystery in The Finger Lakes Mysteries series, but as I said, fatigue and brain fog. I’m making progress slowly but surely. I’m really excited about this book. I’ll send out the opening scene soon.

Meanwhile, the characters in a play I started writing pre-Covid have been talking, talking, talking to me. As I lay in bed the other day, they really let it rip until I crawled out of bed, over to my office, fired up my computer, and wrote their conversation down. Then they let me sleep.

I’m hoping this vasculitis will disappear soon, but it’s not looking hopeful right now.

Tell me if you’ve had to deal with autoimmune disorders.

Stay well and be kind.

6 thoughts on “My Latest Adventure: An Autoimmune Disorder

  1. Barb Grady says:

    Betty, I am so sorry that life has given you these unexpected challenges.
    You are amazing in all that you have accomplished in life and the literary world!
    Now it seems you need extra rest and time to put yourself first.
    I will be thinking of you and send healing wishes as you move toward recovery. Love, Barb Grady

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Thank you, Barb! I so appreciate your healing wishes and kind words. I’m gradually improving and have been able to write more lately. I’m thinking of writing a blog based on the semicolon use article you sent LOL It truly is a point of contention in the writing world.

  2. Phyllis Myers says:

    Meyette, Just hang out with all the oldsters. They’ll never see the hair. Really though, I hope you are on the back end of this.
    My name is Phyllis Myers and I met you in Florida in the pool at Vistana Villages. We talked about Grand Rapids and Byron Center. I’ve thought about you because we also talked about watercolor classes. I suppose you will have to put that off until a later time. However, the invitation is still out there for you. In the meantime I’d like to extend my wish for God to Bless you with a functioning immune system for the future.

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Phyllis, it’s so good to hear from you. I actually put on my calendar to contact you about the watercolor class when we got home from Florida. Then all this happened 🙁 I will be in touch when I’m ready to try the class out. Soon, I hope. It can take a few months to get over this. Thanks for your kind words and blessing. Hope all is well with you.

  3. Deb Hartman says:

    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, I have written to you and wondered. I know you are one to always attend to your emails. I knew there had to be something going on. Do not let my email be of any concern. Hit delete! Now, as to the hairy legs. I am a boomer. We have always worn hose. I still am adjusting to the freedom of bare legs. I still wish for the legs I had as a 40-year-old! I say, in the words of a millennial, suck it! If you want to let that hair blow in the breeze, go for it. Nobody has a right to judge you for wanting to stay cool this summer. Personally, I prefer to wear dresses or skirts. Midis are in and we older gals can delight in being cool and slightly covered. Varicose veins be damned! In the meantime, I wish you continued improvement. Prayers and positive vibes!

    • Elizabeth Meyette says:

      Thanks for your encouraging words, Deb. I’ve been shopping around for some light, linen pants that will keep me cool and covered.

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