What Movie Gets You in the Christmas Spirit?

Last night Rich and I watched The Man Who Invented Christmas. It has become my favorite Christmas movie. If you want to know what it’s like to live with a writer, watch this film. It’s currently streaming on Amazon Prime.

Christmas movie

Dan Stevens (Matthew from Downton Abbey) stars as Charles Dickens, and Christopher Plummer stars as Scrooge. The movie is based on the true story of Charles Dickens writing and self-publishing A Christmas Carol in six weeks. Little did I know that prior to the publication of this book people took little notice of Christmas traditions.

What I love about this portrayal of Dickens is the obsession, agony, and ecstasy of being an author. I love the scenes where his characters show up in his study and talk to him. I totally get it! I may not see my characters, but I certainly hear them.

I laughed out loud when his characters “went on strike” because he’s not doing their bidding. Oh, have I been there. Characters can be very stubborn. When Dickens tells Scrooge, “Go away!” Scrooge responds, “Why? We’re having fun.” It reminded me of Emily in Love’s Destiny. She wanted a scene that I didn’t want to write, and I was blocked until I succumbed.

I think Rich began to understand me a little better after watching this film. He’s always been supportive and encouraging, but I think this added empathy to his list of virtues.

Even though the author/character interaction is what endears this movie to me, I loved all the occurrences in this movie that inspired events and characters as Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol. Anyone who has read it or seen versions of the film can recognize them in this movie.

I’d love to know what your favorite Christmas movie is. Please COMMENT and let so I can add it to my list.

However you celebrate, Happy Holidays. And “God bless us everyone.”

Don’t forget to COMMENT and tell me your favorite Christmas movie.

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