January (in the northern hemisphere) gets a bad rap. Here in Michigan, it’s cold, dreary, and freezing. But since HOPE is my One Little Word for 2025, I’ve decided to change my attitude, be hopeful, and find some things to love about January. Here are my reasons:
- My life has slowed down after the crazy hustle and bustle of the holidays. Don’t get me wrong—I love Thanksgiving and Christmas—they’re my favorite holidays. But, man, I go non-stop even though I’ve scaled things back (okay, maybe a little) to concentrate on the Spirit of Christmas. But this month I’m no longer making lists and checking them twice and running out to get everything I need. January offers a slower pace, which leads to reason #2.
- Another aspect of January that I love is that I have more time to read, to Zentangle, do puzzles, and get back to my watercolors. Oh yeah, and finish editing Love’s Spirit. Seriously, I hardly touched my revisions for that book in November and December. There wasn’t time, and if there was, I was tired and just wanted to play Solitaire on my phone.
- What is it about January that motivates me to set goals and clean my office? January is a new year, a fresh start, so far, nothing has been filled in in my Passion Planner because it hasn’t arrived yet. But every year I get this urge to set goals, create Excel sheets, and sign up for an accountability group. I like this feeling of re-creation.
- In January, the days are getting longer. Every day I check the weather app to see what time the sun sets. I love seeing that one-minute daily increase. It cheers me so to eat dinner when it’s still kind of light out. But I admit that I love to see Christmas lights glowing against the falling snow when it gets dark early.
- Every day in January is one day closer to springtime. Our neighbors at the end of the street plant an amazing cutting garden on the edge of their property by the road. They generously invite neighbors to cut fresh flowers. I love walking and driving past it in the spring and summer. In January, when we drive by, I say to Rich, “One day closer to the flower garden.”
So, my change in attitude helps me when it’s overcast, or gets dark early, or is freezing outside. Can you find something to love about January? I’m always looking for more reasons to appreciate this month. Please REPLY and let me know what your reasons are.