At dinner the other night, I slammed my knife on the table because it kept wobbling off the edge of my plate. Recently I find myself banging shut drawers and cupboard doors. I’m having trouble sleeping, and when I do fall asleep, I awaken and can’t fall back to sleep. This is not who I am. But in this time of upheaval, who will I BE?
I recognize the tension and anxiety that build up within me. I’ve cut back on watching the news, but I realized the importance—especially right now—of staying informed. So, I watch a balanced news program and avoid online clickbait.
Vagus Nerve Breathing helps me to relax. It works: inhale for four deep breaths, exhale for seven, or until you’ve exhaled every drop of breath. Repeat three times. Let your shoulders drop and your jaw relax. When I do this, I physically feel the difference.
I don’t blame you if you vacillate in deciding whether or not to continue reading this post. If you’re experiencing similar sensations and emotions, you might not need to hear about mine. If you’re pleased with what is occurring in our country, you probably can’t relate.
Regardless of what “side” you are on, recent events have called all of us to task.
I face two questions. Actually, I think we all face these questions no matter where we are politically. First, what will I DO with the turn our country has taken? And more importantly, who will I BE in this new phase of life in the United States?
If you haven’t already guessed, I’m devastated by the choices the current administration is making. If you are a Trump supporter, I understand if you now click on a link that supports your view.
Because I’m mostly Irish with a little Italian, my anger can rise up and lash out easily. Part of my life’s journey has been learning to tone down my anger. At the doctor’s office the other day, I saw a white man wearing a camo hat and a Carhart jacket, and that little ball of angry energy in my gut wanted to dislike him. That is not who I want to BE. I took a deep Vagus Breath and thought, You don’t know him. You don’t know what his values are. I had to resist stereotyping, but more so, I had to resist the very human temptation to dislike “the other.”
That is not who I want to BE. Who I want to BE is who I’ve always tried to be (not always successfully). Someone whose values are based on the principle of “Do unto others,” and recognizes the divine spark in everyone. My anger threatens to take that away and it will be a mighty fight to stay the course these days.
What do I want to DO? In my reading, prayer, and meditation the message keeps coming to “Take action.” I don’t believe people who think differently than I do are cruel or bad. But I do believe that (yes, I’m going to say it) social media has done us a great disservice.
I am going to speak out. For too long, I’ve tried not to “rock the boat,” so I have not spoken my truth.
Every day, I make 5 Calls ( to alert my Senators and congressional representatives. I tell them my concerns or thank them when they take a stand for America’s Core Values. I’ve also called Rep. Mike Johnson and Sen. John Thune who lead the party in power. Yesterday I even called the White House. I refuse to wallow in despair. Taking action pulls me out of that despair.
As an author, I didn’t want to risk alienating readers with different views than I hold. I still hope I don’t, but I can no longer keep silent. Here is my list of goals:
- Use my blog and social media to speak my truth
- Find a social justice cause and help those most affected by the new policies.
- Shop locally or directly from sellers and stop feeding the corporate machine
- Go wide with my ebooks so all readers can access my books, not just Kindle readers. (This will be a huge loss in royalties for a while. To me, that’s inconsequential compared to the devasting global impact of turning our backs on our democratic allies and siding with dictators.)
- Work with local political leaders to determine how to ensure equity and safety for all in our community.
Here’s my CALL TO ACTION for you: What are your values and how do they influence who YOU want to BE? What action can you take to live those values? Make a concrete plan. Use your voice and speak your truth!
Comment and tell me your plan.
Thank you, Betty. I didn’t know I was capable of the hate I feel toward several people in government. It frightens me to feel this. I know the calming techniques and see a good counselor. But I live with a level anxiety beyond normal. I congratulate on using the platform you have.
You are not alone, Luana. I hear this from so many people. I’ve joined Red, Wine, and Blue both the national and a recently formed local group. The presenter at last week’s meeting gave many practical ways to resist. Making my 5 calls each day helps because I feel like I’m being heard which alleviates a lot of my anxiety. You’re wise to meet with a counselor, I have done that, too. Hang in there. The resistance is rising.